Posted on: 10/14/2021 by John Siebert
Almost everyday I’m asked what kind of events or tournaments exist that he/she can compete in for archery. So, I thought it was time to write an all-inclusive article about what types of competitions or tournaments are out there and the main organizations that govern them. The simple answer…more than you can count, year-round.   Read More
Posted on: 10/8/2020 by John Siebert
Stress automatically calls to mind negative moments in life: A difficult upcoming test, a fight with a friend or parent, global collective stress like the coronavirus pandemic, or even self-created stress about what others might be thinking. And yes, too much stress and too few resources to combat it can be a bad thing…but allowing kids to entirely avoid it actually does them a disservice.  Read More
Posted on: 10/7/2020 by John Siebert
How do you feel about coaches? Do you have a coach? Do you think you need a coach? Coaching as we know it has only been around for a short time. 150 years ago, coaches did not exist. Now, you can find a coach for just about anything, not just sports. Part of the reason coaching has increased so much in recent years is the value people see in it.  Read More
Posted on: 9/8/2020 by John Siebert
Many Bhutanese immigrants who drive for ride-sharing services opted to live off their savings during coronavirus-related lockdowns in New York City. As they begin to return to work, their country’s national pastime has been a comfort.  Read More
Posted on: 9/5/2020 by John Siebert
Since you are reading Archery World, we can assume you are an archer who is interested in “shooting more, shooting better and having more fun,” since that’s the guiding force of this publication. That seems to be three possible goals but I think we can distill it down a bit. I believe if you do succeed in shooting better, you will undoubtedly have more fun and will naturally want to shoot your bow more often.  Read More
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