Nocking Point Archers Club Meetings

November Club Meeting and Autumn Indoor Virtual Tournament
Sunday, November 17, 2024 : 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: OALC, 8051 Mayfield Road, Chesterland
We will be shooting our first indoor USA Archery Virtual Tournament for winter. We will also start working on indoor achievement pins.

We will be shooting the USA Archery Virtual Indoor Autumn Tournament which is a 300 Round on 40/60 cm targets at this meeting. The score for this virtual round will also be used for achievement awards. Sign up sheet to select a shooting time for this Sunday will be at the range. The fee per archer is $10 which you pay at the time of shooting.

Shooting times will be 1:00pm, 2:30pm and 4:00pm.
December 'Holiday' Party/Potluck
Sunday, December 8, 2024 : 12:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: OALC, 8051 Mayfield Road, Chesterland
The club 'Holiday' party will be at the range this year. Going back to a simpler arrangement more central located for everybody.

Sign up lists will be posted in the beginning of November for the potluck portion of the party. Everybody will be welcome including long time students and club members with their familes/significant others. The club will supply all the tables/chairs, decorations, paper goods, utensils, etc including the main courses and wine.

This is just a time to say 'thank you' for your friendship and support of our club and plan a little for a bigger and better 2025. We will also recognize the achievements of club members.

I hoping to make this a true family gathering that everybody will have fun at.